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Passing on the Golden Shovel - Congratulations, Erin!

Passing on the Golden Shovel - Congratulations, Erin!

At the Assembly on December 3, Principal Alicia Tembi passed on the Golden Shovel to Erin Langen, Theatre Arts Teacher. Here's an explanation from Dr. Stuart Grauer about the The Grauer School's "Golden Shovel" Award: "In 2000, when we embarked upon construction of our Great Hall Building, our board members lined up with shovels to turn the first earth. We shoveled in dirt and pebbles from many countries all over the world, forever a part of the school foundation! At the conclusion of the ceremony, board member Mike Branon donated his shovel to our faculty. Since then, several times a year, the staff nominates one person to receive 'The Golden Shovel'. The recipient of the Golden Shovel exemplifies the core values of our school, but a wide variety of related values come into play: hard work, perseverance, loyalty, and teamwork all are deeply held values of our faculty."

In nominating Erin for the Golden Shovel, Alicia said, "I am beyond thrilled to be passing along the Golden Shovel to someone that I admire as a teacher, administrator, mom and all around human being. This teacher is the first one to notice if you need a hug or need to talk. Erin has high expectations of her students and works hard to help them meet or exceed their own goals whether that is on the stage, on the court or navigating life in general. She will be your #1 fan, and she will make it known. Erin is compassionate, resourceful and creative - she crafts moving theatre productions from the ground up several times a year. She finds a way to get her students to embrace vulnerability, and develop strong bonds with peers they might have never talked to before. Her actors leave the stage walking a little more confidently and with a whole lot more wisdom about human nature through the characters and stories they embrace. Erin, we are all so deeply appreciative of your dedication and support for all students and teachers at Grauer! Congratulations!"

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