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Health Class Creates Advertising Presentations

Health Class Creates Advertising Presentations
From Trevor Olson, Health Teacher:

9th Grade Health class students have been learning to be aware of sales advertisements and how they manipulate customers to purchase products. We discussed how advertising takes advantage of the unhappiness of customers, claiming to produce medical benefits that will improve the customer’s health and happiness without scientific evidence to back up their claims. We also talked about how students are bombarded all the time with these advertisements on social media, television, and other information sources, and they should be careful not to believe everything that is advertised.
On January 17, Health Class students teamed up to present humorous skits attempting to sell fraudulent products to their classmates. The products they were selling included an expensive weight loss product with testimonials from people who have used it and many disclaimers spoken quickly at the end of the presentation, a bucket hat that will make you more confident and more like a British person, and another weight loss product with carcinogenic ingredients that will make you lose all of the weight in your body. The student audience enjoyed the funny presentations and the acting skills of their classmates!

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