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Grauer High School Theatre Arts Department Presents "Frankenstein"

Grauer High School Theatre Arts Department Presents "Frankenstein"

From Erin Langen, Theatre Arts Teacher and Director: Grauer's High School Theatre Arts Department presented Frankenstein on November 15 and November 16 in Meyer Hall. We were so excited for all of you to see our show. The cast and I have loved and embraced Frankenstein, with all of its horror and self-exploration. I continue to be in awe of this cast and the department in its entirety. Their dedication to character, details, and loving the theatre process has been rewarding to observe and exciting to experience. I truly have loved every second with them, and thank them and their families for their dedication to this incredible department.

It takes a village to present a production like this, so I’d like to thank the entire Visual & Performing Arts Department for their collaboration and support for the show. Thank you to our Grauer faculty and staff for your compassion and encouragement. We would also like to thank everyone in our Grauer community for attending our student productions and sharing your support for our student performers!

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