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Grauer High School Teams Compete At 2024 San Diego Science Olympiad

Grauer High School Teams Compete At 2024 San Diego Science Olympiad

From Peggy Gardner, Paulina Davis-Fisher, and Ryan Stevens, Science Olympiad Team Coaches:

The Grauer School had two High School teams competing at the San Diego Science Olympiad (SDSO) competition at the University of San Diego on March 16. There were 67 teams competing from all over the San Diego region. Our teams competed in a variety of events across the STEAM spectrum, including traditional laboratory science events; events testing general knowledge in different science topics; using historic and modern cryptanalysis techniques to decode encrypted messages; building machines or structures that were tested during the event; and much more.

It’s a huge accomplishment for a team to place in the top 20 of any events, so it was very exciting that 7 of our teams were able to accomplish that in the following events: Anatomy & Physiology, Astronomy, Codebusters, Fermi Questions, Robot Tour, Scrambler, and Write It Do It. Congratulations to all of our students who represented The Grauer School at the San Diego Science Olympiad this year - we're so proud of all of you! We had quite a few new students this year, and this was a great experience for the new team members to try the events this year so they know what the competition is like. All High School students are welcome to join the Science Olympiad team next year!

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