The Grauer Alumni Office hosted a panel of 5 Grauer alumni students, who talked with Grauer High School students about their college experiences and gave advice on college life.
Grauer Alumni Panel Speaks About College Life To Current Students
on topics including how Grauer prepared them for college, which of Grauer's Core Values they have used most in college, advocating for themselves, roommate and campus dining experiences, and much more. Some of their advice about college life included: be open to new experiences; you will make mistakes but you will learn from them; attending Grauer helped the students feel more comfortable talking to their professors, and attending office hours was very important; it's important to create an organization system and calendar of your assignments to get everything done; take care of yourself with eating right and getting enough sleep; find your friend group in clubs, classes, or in other groups with students that share your passions; and have fun!
Special thanks to Sheila Wirick, Grauer’s Alumni Relations Officer, for organizing this event for our Grauer community, and to Shelley Joslin and Alicia Tembi for being the moderators of the event!
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