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7th Grade Life Science Class Extracts Strawberry DNA

7th Grade Life Science Class Extracts Strawberry DNA

From Nick Scacco, Science Teacher:

7th Grade Life Science students have been using project-based learning to learn about genetics and understand DNA. The students first compared the coded information in DNA to the way that Morse Code can transport a message. Next, they built a paper model of a DNA strand so that they could see how the different parts of a nucleotide fit together. Finally, they completed a DNA extraction lab to see the physical DNA from a living thing, where the students extracted DNA from strawberries. This experiment involved crushing strawberries, then adding a mixture of detergent and salt to break down cell walls and release the DNA. The mixture was filtered to isolate the liquid, and rubbing alcohol was added to make the DNA visible. This clear, straightforward activity allowed students to see just how much DNA is actually packaged in the cells of living things.

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