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Dr. Grauer's Column - What Does It Mean To Do Well In School?

Dr. Grauer's Column - What Does It Mean To Do Well In School?

What Does It Mean To Do Well In School?

The Grauer School's weekly assemblies are a special part of the school's community when we gather all the students and staff together. Since we can't gather in large groups due to the pandemic, the school holds virtual assemblies in smaller Core Value Portfolio (CVP) groups every Tuesday. Assemblies always begin with a message from Dr. Stuart Grauer, and this was his message to the students for Tuesday, February 23. You can read the text of his message in this column, or watch Dr. Grauer's video message by clicking on the image below.

What does it mean to do well in school? Is that the same as “doing well on some tests” or homework?

When you're students, you get graded on things all year. You get the percentages and letter grades reported back to you. Are those grades the same as school wellness and success?

When we look at your grades, what insight do we get about your resilience, enthusiasm, joy, curiosity, collaboration, honesty, generosity and leadership? Do the grades show us when you showed courage, …or who you helped this week? What if that was a homework assignment: “Tonight, go help someone, get an A.”

Grauer 8th grade students Ennis and Mia skating together during their Roller Skate Club meeting - February 10, 2021

At the Grauer School, we have a Core Values Portfolio (CVP) class for an hour a week to talk exclusively about qualities like those, because they seem far more important than whether or not you remembered something long enough to repeat it back on a test.

What is the relationship between Grade Point Average (GPA) and the sense of wonder we have for the natural world? Why can’t we put that into your GPA? What is the relationship between GPA and empathy you have for others around you, how much you care? (By the way, for many people, empathy equates closer to business and career success than GPA).

What is the relationship between Grade Point Average and the sense of wonder we have for the natural world?

Grauer Middle School students competing in the school's annual Spelling Bee - February 11, 2021

Are higher grades the same as passionate and joyful learning? They can be. And are they associated with stress and sleep deprivation, too? Maybe.

What does it mean to do well in school?

Grauer 8th grade students Charlie and Khyber playing "Capture the Flag" in Physical Education class - February 12, 2021

What does our school think it means? I would love to learn how you think The Grauer School defines “doing well!” Please let me know.

Dr. Grauer wants to hear from his readers. Please click on the "Comments" drop-down box below to leave a comment about this column!

Grauer 8th grade students Ennis and Mia skating together during their Roller Skate Club meeting - February 10, 2021

Grauer Middle School students competing in the school's annual Spelling Bee - February 11, 2021

Grauer 8th grade students Charlie and Khyber playing "Capture the Flag" in Physical Education class - February 12, 2021

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