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Dr. Grauer's Column - The Sunny Side of Life

Dr. Grauer's Column - The Sunny Side of Life

The Sunny Side of Life

The Grauer School's weekly assemblies on Tuesdays are a special part of the school's community, and we don't want to miss that feeling of togetherness that we all get as we gather all the students and staff together each week. Since we can't gather in large groups due to the pandemic, the school holds virtual assemblies in smaller groups every Tuesday after lunch. The Middle School students are back on campus this week for the first time since March, so they were able to hold their assembly meetings in person. 

Assemblies always begin with a message from Dr. Stuart Grauer. In this week's message, Dr. Grauer asked the students to practice self-care, one of the most important but often neglected aspects of the pandemic. He told them to "stay on the sunny side of life" by finding joy every day. It's important to tell jokes and share laughter with your friends! 

After watching Dr. Grauer's message, the students discussed self-care in their groups. Seniors talked about getting outside, learning how to make food, and trying to get enough sleep, and Juniors talked about the importance of having something to look forward to in the forefront of their minds. Sophomores talked about tending to their plants as something that calms them, getting enough exercise and sleep, and getting outside in nature, and Freshmen took turns telling or sharing a joke/meme/funny video, which turned into a conversation about humor and what makes something funny. Students in the 8th grade talked about exercise and music, and shared some jokes with their group, while other students talked about surfing, skateboarding, playing music and being outside in the beautiful San Diego weather.

You can watch Dr. Grauer's video message by clicking on the image below. 

Dr. Grauer wants to hear from his readers. Please click on the "Comments" drop-down box below to leave a comment about this column!

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