Above Nav Container

The Grauer School Logo

Utility Container

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Button 2 (Container)

Mobile Menu Trigger (container)

Off Canvas Navigation Container

Close Trigger (container)



Please provide your username and password to log in:

Forgot your login?

Please enter your email address. Instructions for retrieving your username and password will be emailed to you.

Create a new Password

Please enter your username and create a new password.


Why can't I log in?

An email explaining the process of logging into the Grauer website and then accessing the Gradescape system was sent to you, but it may have ended up in your SPAM folder. It includes your username and temporary password.

If you have checked your INBOX and SPAM folder, and still cannot find the email, please contact one of the people in the column to the right. Thank you!


Still can't log in? We can help you!

Email us with a short message and include a phone number we can use to call if necessary.

Liam Murphy - Technology Administrator
Email: liammurphy@grauerschool.com

Peggy Gardner - Communications Specialist
Email: peggygardner@grauerschool.com