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Legacy & Planned Giving

School grandparent and guitar legend Pepe Romero (of Los Romeros), with grandson Emilio at The Grauer School's Founder’s Day Celebration

The Grauer Foundation Legacy Society

Alumni, faculty members, and others have left a legacy at the the school with a bequest in their will or trust. In fact, the original school acreage was purchased through the legacy gift of school legend Joan Knute and the Joan Knute Trust. Giving in this way has become a lifetime point of pride for a growing number of individuals who want to ensure the long-range and intergenerational success of our school.

Making a planned or legacy gift is easy. Just fill out the form below and we will provide you with simple wording to add to your will or trust. Bequests and gifts can be made to any of the school funds or endowments.

By including Grauer in your estate planning, you are committing to the future of the school. A planned gift is perhaps the most meaningful endorsement an individual can make of the values espoused by a school. There are various ways to approach planned giving—bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance, or gifts of securities or appreciated property.

Planned giving matters! Morgan Stanley estimates that about one-third of the trillions of dollars that transfers from one generation to the next will be in the form of planned giving.

Planned givers become Grauer School legends. Fill out the form below to inquire.

Fill out my online form.