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Faculty & Staff

"Grauer's teachers are awesome. They care about the kids, work with them and enjoy teaching. It shows in the way the kids respond to the teacher. Most schools have only one or two that is exceptionally gifted as teachers. Uniformly, your faculty is outstanding!"
—C.C., Grauer Parent

The Grauer School was founded in 1991 by Dr. Stuart Grauer, a noted educator and strong proponent of the nation’s highly-acclaimed Small Schools movement.

At The Grauer School, 70% of our teachers possess advanced degrees (including four doctorates), and Cum Laude is the norm. We employ teachers who have graduated with distinction from their universities, have a strong commitment to humanitarian service, and have had sustained international and intercultural experiences. With 35 certified personnel, our teacher-to-student ratio is 1:7. This small school advantage enables the faculty to foster relationship driven education and to cultivate an abiding intellectual curiosity in our students.

Leadership Team

Head of School, Science Teacher

Founder & Head of School Emeritus

Mathematics Department Chair, STEM Teacher

Director of Counseling

Visual & Performing Arts Department Chair, Music Director

Athletic Director, Upper School Dean of Students, Health and P.E. Teacher

Principal, History Teacher & Department Co-Chair

Expeditionary Learning Program Director, Science and ASL Teacher

Director of Development & Community Engagement


Mathematics Teacher

World Languages Department Chair, Teacher, Humanitarian Service Coordinator

History Teacher

Science & Physical Education Teacher

Mathematics Teacher

Teacher Ambassador, Community Relations

Music & Multimedia Teacher

Mandarin Chinese Language Teacher

English Teacher

English Teacher

Visual Arts, Photography, and Yearbook Teacher

Theatre Arts Teacher & Director, Middle School Dean of Students

Economics and French Language Teacher

Mathematics Teacher

Japanese Language Teacher


Senior Teacher, Mathematics & World Religions Teacher

English Teacher & Department Chair

ASL and Spanish Language Teacher, Student Support Coordinator

Science Teacher

STEM Teaching Fellow

Film Studies & Multimedia Teacher

Director of Enrollment Management, Psychology Teacher


Assistant to Head of School

Staff Accountant

Head of Maintenance

Marketing & Admissions Associate

Communications Director

Grauer Garden Team Coordinator


Technology Administrator

Grauer Garden Coordinator/Educator


Administrative Assistant to Principal

Alumni Relations Officer